Monday, 24 March 2014

Weekend/WIP Updates

This weekend was lovely although slightly chaotic as we are getting our kitchen done so there is mess and disruption everywhere! Poor Toby (the cat) doesn't know what to do with himself.

 We celebrated my Godson's 2nd birthday on Saturday; it's lovely to see him grow into a little boy and enjoy all his toys and little friends playing with him. As mentioned previously I made some car bunting (for the car theme) which went down very well at the party and I got some lovely comments! (I'll be doing a separate post on this soon.) It was the last project on my latest list so now I can turn my attention to new things! As with many crafters, I always have a list of ideas on the go, and this time my next project is actually going to be for me!

I've mentioned a couple of times on here that I wanted to make an adult size cardigan for myself as a 'goal' to see how hard it would be. After making one for my husband's cousin I decided that I wanted to have go after all my projects were out of the way, and now I've found the perfect pattern after picking up this month's issue of Simply Crochet featuring a Chanel inspired jacket on the cover.

The yarn used in the pattern is a Debbie Bliss number and although I would love to use it as I know the quality would be great, it's a little expensive when you need at least 10 balls of it. So I've opted for an aran yarn (hopefully that's a near equivalent) from Sirdar in a lovely rose colour; perfect for Spring. As you can see I went for a big ball of yarn! Its 400g which I thought would be more cost effective, especially this is my first go at an adult size piece of clothing so if I mess it up I haven't spent a great amount on it. I'm going to adapt the look slightly with the obvious colour change and will add a cream edge with possibly wooden or pearly buttons and a crochet lace trim on the pockets.

I'll keep you updated on my progress but fingers crossed its easy and quick to do.

We are now officially in Spring! Despite this weekend being freezing cold, it was so sunny it kind of makes up for the shivering. Unfortunately we didn't have time to have a walk in the park which I love to do on a Sunday afternoon when the sun is shining. We did however have some lunch and I got a lovely pink lemonade - it always reminds me of my childhood :)

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Betty xXx


  1. You have a lovely blog and what a great post you have here, did we follow each other already? if not, would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm now following you on Bloglovin :)
