Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Time Away

I've just come back from a lovely break away to Scotland. We go away to visit hubby's family at least once a year in the Spring/Summer so it was a nice change to go in Autumn.




We couldn't have asked for better weather; glorious sunshine mixed with a crisp cool air and crunchy leaves beneath our feet. Although I love the warmer seasons, I think its fair to say Autumn is definitely my favourite time of year. We decided to have a day trip to Inverness and drive along Loch Ness. We did this a couple of years ago when the weather was rather damp and didn't really enjoy it, but this time around the sun was beaming down on the loch! We visited Urquhart Castle and got some truly amazing views, the pictures really do not do it justice! Despite the area being quite busy with visitors there was a sense of peace and calm in such a scenic place.


The majority of the time was spent relaxing with family and taking the pups for walks. There are so many places to have a long walks we are always spoilt for choice.


My evenings were spent curled up in front of the fire, crocheting. I had great plans to make lots of different things but I just didn't have the room in my luggage to take yarn with me but I'll be writing about what did I made in my next post.

It was just what we needed after a bit of a hectic year so far. Now its the countdown to Christmas!!


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